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I’ve breezed through beginners, Intermediate 1, and some how passed my assessment for Intermediate 2. But now that I’m in Intermediate 3, I’m getting demoralized.

It seems ok for me to do a static upside down v, but whenever I do a spin climb to an upside down v, I will crunch like a frog, and unable to flip myself over, especially when I’m in my 7″ heels. It seems to get better now, but I know I look like a pig hanging on the pole, as I forget all about the lines and pointing of my feet. Whenever I see gals who are so skinny and so petite doing the trick at ease, I tell myself, “Man, I wonder where they get their strength from.”

I tried not to give up, went for pole prac and signed up private class with T. She has been such a great help! She found my mistake – My hands were too high after the spin climb, which made it tough for me to pull myself up into an upside down v. I should slide my hands to shoulder level before I do an upside down v. The following week, I went for pole prac with my 2 pole buddies, and I’m able to struggle up. (Yay!)

That was just the beginning. 1 of my pole buddies who was also in Intermediate 3, showed me 2 other moves she learned last week. The class that I missed. I couldn’t do it… at all. Part of me was thinking of giving up Intermediate 3. But another part of me was saying that I have to do it sooner or later anyway, why not just go through it this term, and polish up next term. I will definitely be stuck in Intermediate 3 again anyways.

Tomorrow is my class again. And now I’m having second thoughts on attending the lesson tomorrow. All the gals in my class are Intermediate 3 repeaters, and they are taking Intermediate 3 – just for fun. Most of them are already advanced level students! Maybe I can just skip 1 more class, and ask T to teach me the tricks during private class next Tuesday?

OK. I will think about it for the day.